Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 10:02:49 EDT Reply-To: The NOMAD2 Discussion List Sender: The NOMAD2 Discussion List From: "Walter H.Horowitz" Subject: Re: ACROSS INDEX USING The following was provided by Jean Fagernes of Thomson Software Products: This is regarding how to split the objects of a LIST ACROSS INDEX USING report when these objects occupy more than one physical page. If you want the BY MONTH column to print on the continuation pages (page 1.1, ...), you will have to use an ACROSS sort - not an ACROSS INDEX USING sort - with PAGE added to the added to the BY MONTH clause. LIST BY MONTH PAGE ACROSS function(item) While both ACROSS and ACROSS INDEX USING perform an "across" sort, there is a difference in how the sorted objects are treated. This difference is seen easily if you look at an SLIST of a CREATEd master with ACROSS versus ACROSS INDEX USING. ACROSS makes a copy of each object for each ACROSS sort value. ACROSS INDEX USING gathers all the sorted objects together into one array. The difference affects how BY values are treated on continuation pages. With array objects (ACROSS INDEX USING), PAGE will not reproduce the BY column on the continuation page. On the other hand, PAGE *will* reproduce the BY column on continuation pages for scalar objects (ACROSS). So using a regular ACROSS in combination with the other suggestion of using &RSPACE to control the spacing between columns may provide the control needed to get 9 objects per page. back to index