Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 17:23:18 -0500 Reply-To: The NOMAD2 Discussion List Sender: The NOMAD2 Discussion List From: "Ken Schinderl user SCHINKA@WHEEL.DATCP.STATE.WI.US" </R=WHEEL/R=AM/U=schinka/FFN=SCHINKA/@MR.DATCP.STATE.WI.US> Subject: NOMAD Under Windows We are having problems with moving a NOMAD client/server application from running under DOS to running under Windows for Wrokgroups. The synmptom is: If the server & databse are reasonably quiet (like over lunch) the NOMAD application runs just fine under Windows. If there is a reasonable amount of activity, the NOMAD/Windows application appears to "time-out" waiting for a response. Environment is VMS & Pathworks, RDB database. Has anyone tried to run NOMAD under Windows for Workgroups in a client/server environment and solved this problem??? +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ken Schindler, Director Voice - (608) 224-4777 Information Technology Services FAX - (608) 224-4737 WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade INTERNET - SCHINKA@WHEEL.DATCP.STATE.WI.US and Consumer Protection P.O. 8911 Madison, WI 53708 back to index