Date:         Thu, 31 May 90 17:14:16 EDT
Reply-To:     The NOMAD2 Discussion List
Sender:       The NOMAD2 Discussion List
From:         Jonathan Willard - MIS
Subject:      Help Needed Removing Non-unique occurences from an array:


    master first-mast
        item first-item as a1;
        define arr(10) as a1 expr = instance(third-item);

    segment first-segm keyed second-item;
        item second-item as a1;
        item third-item as a1;

    I want arr to contain unique references.  There should be No
duplicates in arr even if there are duplicates in the third-item across
records.  ie., suppose that arr contains:

    1  2  3  4  5  6  7
    -  -  -  -  -  -  -
    A  B  A  D  A  C  B

    I want to view/list/compare it as:

    1  2  3  4
    -  -  -  -
    A  B  C  D   or as   'ABCD'

Note:  I don't want to do this procedurally!  I want to make the
       unique values of third-item available as a defined item!

I really want to say:
    expr = sort(instance(third-item but only if it is unique))

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